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Kunihiko Kaneko
Friday, April 21, 2017, 02:30pm - 03:30pm
Hits : 3480
Contact Host: Ken Dill
Director, Center for Complex Systems Biology and Universal Biology Institute
Professor, Department of Basic Science
University of Tokyo
Deep Linearity in Phenotypic Adaptation and Evolution:   Macroscopic Theory, Microscopic Simulations, and Bacterial Experiments

Quantitative characterization of plasticity, robustness, and evolvability is one of the most important issues in biology. Based on statistical physics and dynamical-systems theory, we present a macroscopic theory of fluctuation and responses in cellular states. By assuming that cells undergo steady growth, protein expression of thousands of genes is shown to change along a one-dimensional manifold in the state space in response to the environmental stress. This leads to a macroscopic law that cellular-state changes satisfy, as is confirmed by adaptation experiments of bacteria under stress. Next, we present proportionality between phenotypic changes by genetic evolution and by environmental adaptation, uncovered both in bacterial experiments and simulations. This relationship is then formulated by the hypothesis that phenotypic changes in adaptation and evolution are dominantly constrained along one-dimensional path. Possible extension of the theory to non-growing cellular states and to multi-level evolution for multicellularity will be briefly discussed.

1. Kaneko K., Life: An Introduction to Complex Systems Biology, Springer (2006)
2. K. Sato, Y,Ito, T.Yomo, K. Kaneko, "On the Relation between Fluctuation and Response in Biological"Systems" Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 14086-14090
3. K. Kaneko, "Evolution of Robustness to Noise and Mutation in Gene Expression Dynamics" PLoS One(2007) 2 e434
4. K. Kaneko, "Phenotypic Plasticity and Robustness: Evolutionary Stability Theory, Gene Expression Dynamics Model, and Laboratory Experiments", Evolutionary Systems Biology(2012) (Springer, ed. O. Soyer)
5. K. Kaneko, C.Furusawa, T. Yomo, "Macroscopic phenomenology for cells in steady-growth state",Phys.Rev.X(2015) 011014
6. C. Furusawa, K. Kaneko "Global Relationships in Fluctuation and Response in Adaptive Evolution", J of Royal Society Interface12 (2015)2015.0482





Location Laufer Center Lecture Hall 101