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Anna Tarakanova, University of Connecticut
Friday, April 12, 2024, 02:30pm
Hits : 599
Anna Tarakanova

Anna Tarakanova, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering

University of Connecticut


Molecular computation for bioengineering

The rapid development of high-performance computing has enabled unprecedented advances in the mechanistic understanding of molecular biomaterials. We direct the power of our “computational microscope” to investigate complex biological molecular systems, to understand how and when these systems function in health and break down in disease. We also develop computational methods for the multiscale and data-driven characterization and design of novel functional biomaterials from the nanoscale, for medical and engineering applications, drawing inspiration from natural design principles. I will present recent work that combines multiscale modeling and big data frameworks to probe and predict behavior of complex biomolecular systems.


Visit the Tarakanova lab

Host: Eugene Serebryany

Location: Laufer Center Lecture Hall 101

Refreshments following the seminar in room 110

Tarakanova Flyer